Asia Le Mans Series | Rigon mocked at the end in Sepang

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The 4 Hours of Sepang, the penultimate round of the Asian Le mans Series, closes with second place and many recriminations. The race, which started with an hour and thirty of delay due to a violent storm that hit the Malaysian track, had many twists and turns, including what in the end deprived Davide Rigon’s 488 GT3 Evo 2020 and of the HubAuto Corse team of a well-deserved success.

“I am very disappointed with this second place. After having dominated the race under the initial flood, thanks also to an excellent strategy by our engineer opting to keep the wet tires for longer, gaining an advantage of almost two minutes, it is a shame to receive on the last lap of a 4 hours one stop & go of 60 seconds. It was a real joke because it cost us a clear victory. Once again we have shown that we have a great car ”comments Davide disappointed